These past 12 months are definitely not ones i want to repeat and on top of that i haven't even had the will to sew or stitch anything. Here's to a fresh start next year ....... cause you know it'll be 2011 before we know it.
30 October 2010
Still breathing
Posted by Nic at 9:55 PM 5 comments
07 September 2009
A promise is a promise.
I have been busy this past week working on some long overdue PIF gifts. Although they are not finished yet, completion is just around the corner. Here is a little peek at how they are looking so far.
I know it doesn't give much away, but then i wouldn't want to spoil the surprise for the intended recipients. I just hope they like "pretty and girlie".
Posted by Nic at 12:25 PM 7 comments
05 September 2009
Time Flies
I feel like such a pseudo blogger. It has been so many months since i posted anything. But i have been busy, starting to work and sewing too.
Recently i took part in Maree's Paper Bag swap and here are the results.For my swap partner i decided to make a journal cover and a little matching bag. I had lots of fun working with the fabric Lorraine sent, as it was a bit funkier then what i normally use.
Edit : I forgot to mention that both of these were slight variations on the bag and journal cover designed by Bloom. Here is the pretty Tea Cosy / Coffee Plunger Cosy that Lorraine sent me. A great excuse to go shopping for a cute little tea pot. Thank you Lorraine and Maree.
Last night i was lucky enough to attend Gail Pan's book launch at Foothills in Tecoma. It was a lovely night and of course i went home with a book that Gail kindly signed. Now i just need to work out which project i shall make first.
Posted by Nic at 12:02 PM 3 comments
13 May 2009
Another redwork cushion
Although i haven't had a response from my swap partner i think enough time has passed for me to reveal the cushion i made.
It is looking a little flat here, as it would without a cushion insert, but this is how i sent it. It is however machine quilted.
I was very happy with how the finished cover looked and learned a few new tricks on my sewing machine along the way.
Posted by Nic at 1:32 AM 9 comments
10 May 2009
It's nice to be spoilt occassionally.
I hope you are having a day as lovely as mine.
Poached eggs on toast and presents galore........ a CD, a book and a Wii Fit (very cool).
But it's been so long since i have blogged anything longer then a paragraph and i have so much i need catch up on.
A PIF gift from Marica.
A redwork cushion from Rowena.
And how my Aged Care course is going.
This is the lovely creation that Marica sent me recently, along with the lollies that did not last very long at all. She looks wonderful sitting on my table looking after my sewing tools.
As i said in my last short blog - i need some people willing to play the PIF game. I already have Shiree and Diane playing with me, but i need another 4 folk who want to join in. If you know of anyone who might be interested please point them in my direction.
Here is the terrific and pincushion that Rowena sent me as part of Maree's redwork cushion swap. The cushion has made my lounge room much prettier and looks perfectly at home sitting on our sofa.
I still haven't heard if Rowena has received the cushion i sent her at the end of April so i will have to wait a little longer before i show you what i sent.
The Aged Care course i am enrolled in is quickly nearing completion. Only 2 more weeks in the classroom and we are off to do our work experience. To say i am a little nervous would be a major understatement !! I am terrified !!!
I think if i keep repeating my mantra i will be ok.
This too will pass, this too will pass, this too will pass.
Well it works for birthday parties at the local roller skating rink and is worth a try.
Posted by Nic at 12:09 PM 4 comments
04 May 2009
I have got to stop saying "I'll blog more" cause it just doesn't happen. As well meaning as i try to be.
This is just a quick little post to let everyone know i received a gorgeous PIF gift from Marica last week that i will showing off very soon. As well as the fact i would like / need another 4 people to send my own PIF gifts to.
Posted by Nic at 7:19 AM 1 comments
03 April 2009
I love Softies
Today was a very wet day in Melbourne and not a great lead in to the school holidays. It was especially odd after the lovely late burst of heat we had yesterday......about 30°C, quite warm for the start of April. However it was definitely balanced out by our dark day today ........ it was so dull that the street lights were on at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
Anyways, enough about the weather.
Today i felt the need for some sewing just for the sake of sewing ! You know how it is. There are a stack of projects that deserve a little attention, but there is nothing screaming,
"ME, ME, ME, work on ME". So we start on something new. It just can't be avoided.
I did however behave myself by limiting my sewing to a little project that was finished in an hour or two.
This is my little Chibi Rabbit as designed by My Little Mochi. He is only a little tacker. To show you just how little he is he is posing on my ipod.
Here is something i made earlier ..... well i did .... lol. Isn't she a cutie. I find it hard to believe that she is already nine.
Posted by Nic at 3:39 PM 5 comments