A lovely package arrived for me today, my Stitcher's Angel gifts.
Susan, my angel, did a terrific job on a sewing caddy, a drawstring bag and a pincushion. Aren't they fabulous ! Susan's blog is Homespun Quilts.
On Saturday night i had a lovely time at the Christmas At Foothills Do. Sandra and Lesley gave us a fun, relaxing evening of sewing and frivolity.
I got to meet Nicky of Little Needle Case fame, "Hi Nicky!" and we had a secret Santa swap which i managed to stuff up.
I really should start reading instructions again. I completely overlooked the the line that said pick 6 items out of the 10 listed to include in your gift. Doh! Oh well, live and learn. Regardless, it was a lovely night.
2 years ago